'California Earthquake': Puente Hills Fault Could Prove To Be More Catastrophic Than The 'Big One' At San Andreas

More damage and a bigger earthquake can occur along the lesser-known fault that gave Southern California a moderate shake on Friday than the long-dreaded "Big One" from the more famous San Andreas Fault, experts said.

"The Puente Hills thrust fault, which brought Friday night's magnitude-5.1 quake centered in La Habra and well over 100 aftershocks by Sunday, stretches from northern Orange County under downtown Los Angeles into Hollywood - a heavily populated swath of the Los Angeles area," the Associated Press reported.

Rather than the San Andres fault, which runs along the outskirts of metropolitan Southern California, seismologists confirmed that a magnitude-7.5 earthquake along the Puente Hills fault could be more devastating and damaging.

Causing up to $250 billion in damage, around 3,000 to 18,000 people could die if a quake along the Puente Hills takes place, the U.S. Geological Survey estimated.

However, only an estimated 1,800 deaths would occur by a larger magnitude 8 quake along the San Andreas, according to the AP.

Since Friday's night quake, about 150 aftershocks, including one of magnitude-4.1, were felt.

As buildings were deemed unsafe to enter due to foundation problems cited by firefighters, several dozen people in the Orange County city of Fullerton were forced to stay out of their homes, authorities said.

"Fire crews red-tagged 20 apartment units after finding a major foundation crack, but residents have since been allowed to return," the AP reported. "Structural woes, including broken chimneys and leaning, were uncovered in half a dozen single-family houses, which were also deemed unsafe to occupy until building inspectors clear the structures. About two dozen residents remained displaced, down from more than 80 after the initial quake."

Several floors of Brea City Hall experienced a water main-break, Stokes said.

It was not immediately clear if City Hall would reopen Monday. An email to the mayor was not immediately returned, the AP reported.

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