Why You Should Not Pee in the Swimming Pool, Aside from Hygiene?

A new study revealed that potential health problems may arise just by peeing in a swimming pool with chlorine. This study can be used to scientifically backup prohibition of peeing in the pool and improving hygiene habits of the swimmers.

An earlier study revealed that one in five Americans admitted peeing in the swimming pool. Furthermore, almost 50 percent of the survey respondents admitted of doing behaviors that contribute to an unhealthy pool.

Chlorine is a substance used to kill bacteria and control algae in the pool so that it is safe for swimming. But no matter how pool owners wanted to keep their pools clean and safe for use, many are still inconsiderate and ignore signs or warnings that peeing must be done in the comfort room and not in the pool.

However, now that there is a scientific evidence of the dangers doing such may cause, researchers hope that swimmers may think twice peeing in the pool again.

Researchers from the China Agricultural University in Beijing and Purdue University in Indiana found that when chlorine and urine in the pool water, or even sweat, mixes, it creates hazardous substances called trichloramine (NCl3) and cyanogen chloride (CNCl). These substances, according to a press release, are found to cause serious health problems. NCl3 can cause lung problems, while CNCl can cause problems with the lungs, heart and central nervous system.

In the study, the researchers mixed chlorine and uric acid -- a substance present in urine and sweat. After an hour, Jing Li of the China Agricultural University's department of Applied Chemistry, and his colleagues found that the chemical mixture involving the chlorination of uric acid and chlorination of body fluid analog mixtures produced NCl3 and CNCl.

Further details of this study titled Volatile Disinfection Byproducts Resulting from Chlorination of Uric Acid: Implications for Swimming Pools can be read in the journal Environmental Science and Technology.

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