The mole was finally revealed during Thursday night's episode and boy we did not see that coming, Gladiators.
The entire second half of the season focused on that one burning question. Who was the mole? Who was the person leaking White House information?
In the last episode, we left off with Mellie doing a live interview with James, Cyrus' husband. She revealed to the world that her husband, the president of the United States, had cheated on her. The episode ended with President Grant (Fitz) spending the night at Olivia's house.
Last night's episode began with Fitz and Olivia in bed together, rekindling their connection. Fitz decided he's not going to run for reelection so he can stay with Olivia. He's giving up his presidency for Olivia. It is revealed a short while later that Fitz had never filled out his reelection papers and had never intending on running for office for a second time.
Cyrus realizes that it's not Olivia holding him back from running again and tells Olivia the news. Olivia talks to the president about it and when Fitz goes into a press conference to presumably announce that he will not run for reelection, he instead tells the media and the public that his marriage with Mellie is none of their business and that in fact he will be running for a second term.
Mellie, who has hired a fixer of her own, knew Fitz wasn't going to give up on his presidency. It's clear she's plotting something but we don't know what she's up to yet.
Jake, who is supposed to protecting/spying on Olivia, talking to a mystery man. He was finally revealed in this episode. He asks Jake to give him the footage of him sleeping with Olivia and tells Cyrus to cut all ties with Charlie, the hired killer, because he knows too much. Jake is given the job of "getting rid of" Charlie but Charlie (who should not be underestimated) catches on to their plan and gets away.
Charlie then does something unexpected and heads over to Pope & Associates. He wants to hire Liv as his fixer (Is he serious?) Well, Huck takes Charlie into a room and tortures him in order to get some information from him. He gets the name he is looking (perhaps who the mole is) and Huck gets ready to kill Charlie.
That's when Quinn walks in and talks Huck into letting Charlie go. Charlie...the hired killer... the one who tortured Huck and left him for dead... the one who killed Amanda Tanner and probably would have killed Liv and James... this is who Quinn just wants to let walk away. And he does. Huck lets him walk away.
The next scene is at Pope & Associates where it is discovered that the Cytron card, which is the key to the Defiance coverup, has gone missing. They assume Charlie took it but Huck let him get away.
At the end of the episode we finally get to see who the mole is. Billy Chamber, the Chief of Staff of Vice President Sally Langston. He was presumed dead because Huck hired Charlie to kill Billy for him. Charlie who it turns out has been working with Billy, doesn't kill him. We also find out who stole the Cytron card. The last scene is David Rosen handing the card to Billy.
Did you see that twist coming? Here's a sneak peek of next week's season finale.