Lady Gaga Tells Paparazzi to Retouch her Photos: Singer will Offer Exclusives if Photographers ‘Smooth Out and Thin Legs’?

Lady Gaga has reportedly told paparazzi that she wants them to photoshop her pictures. According to the New York Post, Gaga told photographers that she will give them exclusives if they doctor her images a little.

A photog told the Post that the "Born This Way" singer has asked photographers to "smooth out her jaw line and thin her arms" and to "smooth out and thin her legs." Some photographers, like Kevin Mazur who works for Wireimage/Getty, are ok with Gaga's demands.

Mazur, who was given the sole rights to shoot the singer's final show at the Roseland Ballroom, admitted that he has fixed some of Gaga's pictures and her team has given their approval before he released the photos.

"It's like any other artist I work with and it's very minimal because we want to get the photos out there right away," he said.

Mazur is adamant that his retouches are minor and he only removes things like a drop of sweat on her face or an out of place strand of hair.

"She caters to the paparazzi like no other artist I've seen," he said about the singer. "Lady Gaga goes above and beyond putting on new outfits to make sure the paps have something every day."

However, other photographs with less access to Gaga are not happy about her new demands and have described her as being a "control freak." According to Page Six, some of the paparazzi were upset with the "Poker Face" singer when she banned them from her after-party on Friday, Apr. 4.

Vanity Fair contributor George Wayne got an invite and is said to have taken a few photos of the singer any photographer "would've killed for," the newspaper writes.

Those pictures included Gaga tongue-kissing her boyfriend Taylor Kinney and putting her butt in his face.

"Gaga and Taylor's relationship is clearly not staged - their chemistry is palpable," Wayne told Page Six. "They could barely keep their hands off each other all night."