A study by Ohio State University states that low sugar levels sometimes lead to anger and irritation against the spouse.
Researchers examined 107 married couples for their study. The participants were told to complete a relationship satisfaction measure that asked each spouse how much they agreed with statements like "I feel satisfied with our relationship."
The researchers stated that during the 21 days of the study time frame the levels of blood glucose in married people, every night, predicted their anger against their spouse that evening.
To find out how much angry the participants were at their spouses; the researchers gave them a voodoo doll and told them it represented their partners. The respondents were also given 51 pins and were told to insert it in the doll depending on their anger against the partners.
The researchers told them to do this activity when alone, without their spouses being present. The authors then recorded the number of pins they stuck in the doll. Every participant also used a blood glucose meter to measure glucose levels before breakfast and every evening before bed for the 21 days.
They found that at the end of 21 days, people who reported lower levels of glucose were willing to take out the anger at their spouses with unpleasant noises at a higher volume and for a longer time compared to those who had higher glucose levels. Even those who stated they shared a good relationship with their spouses were more likely to express anger if their blood glucose levels were lower.
"Hunger caused by low levels of blood glucose may play a role in marital arguments, confrontations and possibly even some domestic violence," Brad Bushman, the lead author of the study said in a news release.
Blood glucose levels can be brought up quickly by eating carbohydrates or sugary foods.
The study has appeared online in the journal 'Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.'