Franklin Regional High School To Resume Classes One Week After Mass Stabbing

Classes at Franklin Regional High School will resume one week after 21 students and one security guard were injured in a mass stabbing attack, the Palm Beach Post reported.

However, the school will hold an "open house" on Tuesday for students to come back and prepare before a normal class schedule begins. According to school officials, therapy dogs and counselors will be available all day.

Additionally, teachers attended a counseling session at a local church on Monday.

The school in Pennsylvania will have been closed for a full week after Alex Hribal, a 16-year-old sophomore at the school, went on a stabbing spree and wounded 22 people.

Though most victims were released from treatment within the last week, four male victims remain hospitalized, the Post said.

One of those victims, Jared Boger, 17, has underwent four surgeries since the attack. However, doctors said he is positively recovering.

Though Hribal will be tried as an adult, he is being held at Regional Youth Services Center without bond. He faces four counts of attempted murder and 21 counts of aggravated assault.

Following his arrest, officials investigated the Hribal home and confiscated computers, iPods, an iPad, gaming consoles, video games, and other items, according to WTAE-TV.

Additionally, a notebook and a Chicago Cutlery holder with two knives missing where also taken.

Authorities also believe Hribal made threatening phone calls to two students before he carried out the stabbing attack.

"The caller is believed to be the actor because of the subsequent conduct of the actor coming to school and attacking numerous individuals," the affidavit says.

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