Oregon Reservoir To Be Drained Of 38 Milion Gallons Of Water After Teen Urinates In It

Millions of gallons of water will be drained from a reservoir in Portland, Oregon after a teenager urinated in it on Wednesday, NBCNews.com reported.

City officials caught the unnamed 19-year-old taken a bathroom break at Mount Tabor Reservoir around 1 a.m. on security footage.

Two others with him, ages 18 and 19, were also caught on camera trying to scale a fence.

Though the urine does not pose a dangerous health risk to the 38 million gallons of water -- which many animals decide to use as their bathroom -- the Portland Water Bureau still decided against using it.

"Reservoir5 offline after man urinates in water. Health risk slight but we won't purposely serve tainted H2O to public," they tweeted on Wednesday.

David Shaff, Portland Water Bureau administrator, also released a statement explaining their decision.

"Our customers have an expectation that their water is not deliberately contaminated. We have the ability to meet that expectation while minimizing public health concerns," Shaff said.

Shaff added the city is already stocked with enough water for residents and isn't in need of the 38 million gallons.

Water tests were being conducted on Wednesday and should be released on Thursday, NBCNews.com said.

Each person involved -- none of which were identified -- were cited for trespassing. Additionally, the man who peed in the water was cited for public urination and the Multnomah County District Attorney's Office is deliberating other charges.

Floy Jones, co-founder of Friends of the Reservoirs, criticized the city's decision to drain the water.

"It's extremely wasteful," she told NBCNews.com.

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