Human Barbie Valeria Lukyanova Posts Rare Makeup-Free Selfies (SLIDESHOW)

Valeria Lukyanova has been dubbed the "Human Barbie" for her thin frame and striking resemblance to the Mattel Barbie doll. Usually the 28-year-old Ukrainian model is photographed wearing heavy makeup and anime contacts but in a rare move, she posted several photos of her au-naturel.

The makeup free shots gives fans, and critics, a chance to see what Lukyanova looks like without all the added glitz and glam. In one photo, she is seen in tiny shorts and crop top and in another she poses in a teeny, tiny bikini.

Lukyanova has denied undergoing any type of surgical procedures but in a recent interview admitted to practicing "Breatharianism" to help her maintain her slender frame, the Daily Mail reports.

"In recent weeks I have not been hungry at all; I'm hoping it's the final stage before I can subsist on air and light alone," Lukyanova reportedly said.

"Breatharians" believe people can survive without eating food and drinking water. According to the group, the only nourishment a body needs is light and air. For obvious reasons, the practice of "Breatharianism" has been heavily criticized and there have been reports of people dying of starvation.

While most of the world is captivated by Lukyanova, New York native Justin Jedlica has publicly labeled her as his nemesis. Ironically, Jedlica has been given the nickname "Human Ken" for his resemblance to the toy doll.

In a recent interview he slammed the Ukrainian model calling her uninteresting.

"I don't really get her," he told GQ. "I don't get why people think she's so interesting. She has extensions. She wears stage makeup. She's an illusionist."

Jedlica has admitted to having over 140 cosmetic procedures to look like Ken but has labeled Lukyanova as a "drag queen" who simply plays dress up. Last year in an interview with the Daily Mail, he dressed up in drag to prove that, with enough makeup, anyone could look like a Barbie doll. Jedlica said there was nothing special about her.

"Valeria presents herself as a real-life Barbie doll, but she is nothing more than an illusion who dresses like a drag queen," he said. "Unlike me, who has spent nearly $150,000 permanently transforming myself into a human Ken doll, Valeria just plays dress up."

What do you think of Valeria Lukyanova's makeup free photos?