Pennsylvania Teen, Patrick Farves, Suspended For Asking Miss America To Prom

A high school student in Pennsylvania was suspended for asking Miss America Nina Davuluri to prom during a school assembly, the New York Daily News reported.

Patrick Farves, 18, popped the question to Davuluri with a flower in front of all his peers on Thursday.

"Maybe later," the beauty queen responded, smiling and laughing.

Davuluri was at the school to discuss diversity in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math.

School administrators at Central York High School learned he planned the stunt beforehand and ordered that he not go through with it -- earning him the subsequent in-school suspension.

"At that point in time, it was 10 minutes before the presentation, and I was pretty much set to do it," Farves told the York Dispatch. "I was a little pressured. Everybody expected me to do it. I'm the kind of person who, if someone says I won't do something, I'll prove people wrong. I will."

However, he eventually apologized and wrote a letter to school district's assistant superintendent saying he was sincerely sorry.

"I do understand why the administration was mad," he told the Dispatch. "I don't want to be the kind of person to try to justify myself ... I didn't intend to disrespect the administration. I can see how it was seen as a slap in the face."

Following his punishment, friends created a #freepatty hash tag on Twitter, arguing that administrators went too far. Lucky for Farves, he is still allowed to attend prom.

"I want to give a shout out to Miss America for being a good sport," he said.

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