'Beezin' Burt's Bee's Lip Balm: New Trend Gives Teenagers Extra High (VIDEO)

Teenagers are reportedly putting Burt's Bee's Beeswax Lip Balm on their eyelids to feel a burning sensation while inebriated.

This trend, known as Beezin, enhances people's intoxication levels while drunk or high, according to Fox television affiliate KOKH-TV in Oklahoma City.

A doctor at the Today Clinic in Oklahoma City, OK, told KOKH-TV some individuals find the act amusing.

"It's the peppermint oil that's causing the burning sensation and I suppose some people think that is kind of funny," Dr. Cauthen said.

Cauthen added that the lip balm's effect on the eyelid could be dangerous.

"The peppermint oil in the lip balm is a very strong irritant and can cause inflammation in the eye redness of the eye swelling," Dr. Cauthen told KOKH. "Our big message is natural does not equate with safety."

A doctor of opthalmology at Ada Vision Center in Boise, Idaho told KVIV a small amount of the product's peppermint oil is harmful.

"Even when just applied on the eyelids, peppermint oil releases fumes that can cause the same irritation in the eyes," Dr. Jenny Huber said.

According to KVIV, teenagers are comfortable using the lip balm because they believe it does not have any harmful substances.

Burt's Bee's products are 100 percent free of additives, but the lip soother can still be problematic if used for other purposes besides providing moisture to the lips.

Several users expressed their views about the trend on their Twitter accounts.

"beezin was such a junior year SAT move why are doctors deciding to bug about it now...." Twitter user @jourtn3y_2oh said in a post.

One is reportedly a veteran of the activity.

"lol been Beezin' since before it was on the Internet," Twitter user @WahWhoWah said in their post.

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