UK Student Creates A Water Bottle You Can Eat, Will Help Get Rid Of Excess Plastic Waste Around The World (VIDEO)

Have you ever found yourself carrying an empty water bottle until you find a bin to dispose it off? Well, turns out that you might just be able to eat your water bottle after drinking up the water instead of throwing it away.

An edible "bottle" of water has been developed by a design student in UK which could help the world get rid of excess plastic waste, Press Trust of India reported.

For the past few years, Rodrigo Garcia Gonzalez, along with fellow Imperial College London students, has been working on the Ooho water.

Appearing similar to a jellyfish, the bottle is made out of edible materials and has the strong potential to put an end to the bottled water industry, reported.

The development has been inspired by the juice-filled pearls added to bubble tea and the creations of legendary Spanish chef Ferran Adria, who uses a technique of encasing liquid into edible membranes known as sheperification, PTI reported.

"Gonzalez and his team first took a frozen ball of water and dipped it into a calcium chloride solution, which formed a gelatinous layer," according to PTI.

"The ball was then soaked in another solution made from brown algae extract, which encapsulated the ice in a second squishy membrane to reinforce the structure."

Keeping the water in the algae solution for long periods of time allows the mold to become thicker and stronger.

"The main point in manipulating the water as solid ice during the encapsulation is to make it possible to get bigger spheres and allow the calcium and algae to stay exclusively in the membrane," Gonzalez said.

Although Ooho has been tested in some European cities, it still needs to be perfected by researchers since edible bottles don't hold large amounts of water and cannot be resealed.

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