People who Like Rock ‘n’ Roll Genre More Likely to Cheat: Survey

Fans of Elvis Presley, Ray Charles and other rock 'n' roll singers, here's rather some unflattering news, you are more likely to cheat. Sorry, we don't say that but a bunch of U.K. researchers do.

Yes, a UK-based survey shows that rock 'n' roll fans are more likely to cheat.

The U.K. researchers interviewed people who confessed to being in an extra-marital relationship. They were asked about their music preferences and 41 percent of them revealed that they liked listening to rock music.

The survey found that rock was followed by pop music with 16 percent of those in adulterous relationships saying that they listened to the pop genre more. Third was country (11 percent) and 7 percent said they liked classical music. The least favored genre in the cheaters' club was rap and hip-hop with just 2 percent.

The research also found that 70 per cent of Brits would not like to date someone who has completely different music tastes to their own. But, this did not apply to Irish people.

The study revealed that unlike England, Scotland and Wales, Irish adulterers seem to prefer country music, with 33 percent choosing the music genre.

"I am not surprised that rock 'n' roll music came out on top," said a spokesperson for, who commissioned the survey, according to the Daily Mail.

"Rock music has a long been associated with sexual appeal, risk taking and living life on the edge," he added.

"Many of our members would have grown up under the influence of bands such as the Rolling Stones, The Who, Led Zeppelin and Fleetwood Mac and it is very possible that these songs have had an influence on their lifestyle," he concluded.

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