Racer 230 MPH Crash Caught On Tape: ANDRA Drag Racer Flies Off His Bike (VIDEO)

A drag racer crashed at 230 miles per hourf and came away with only a broken ankle.

Australian drag racer Chris Matheson was traveling around 230 mph last Tuesday when he abruptly got knocked off his bike. It happened a quarter of the way through his run during the 2013 Nitro Champs event in Sydney, according to The Post Game.

The force of the wind launched the racer off his bike. The wind first caught his hand, then his entire body. He fell from the bike and tumbled across the track for at least 100 feet before coming to a stop. Medics immediately rushed to his aid.

Amazingly, Matheson only sustained a broken ankle.

Matheson, a former Australian National Drag Racing Association (ANDRA) Top Bike champion, limped away on his own power after the accident.

And the damage to his bike...
