'Destiny' Release Date: Activision CEO Bobby Kotick Reveals Title Cost $500 Million To Make, Possibly Breaking Industry Records

Activision Bungie's upcoming title "Destiny" has the potential of being the next big multibillion-dollar franchise in the gaming industry, according to Reuters.

CEO Bobby Kotick revealed the gaming studio spent $500 million on creating the sci-fi title.

"'Destiny' is a cross between a traditional shooting game format and a role-playing game in which gamers play characters in a real-time online world," Reuters reports. "The title allows gamers to play 'Guardians' who protect the last city standing on a post-apocalyptic Earth."

According to Reuters, investor in the "Destiny" title hope the scheduled Sept. 9 release date will re-invigorate Activision's revenue, which dropped 6 percent in 2013.

"If you're making a $500 million bet you can't take that chance with someone else's IP," Activision CEO told the Milken conference. "The stakes for us are getting bigger."

Activision has experienced massive success with their "Call of Duty" franchise, which has recently announced "Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare." The title released the first teaser trailer for the series featuring "The House of Cards" star Kevin spacey as the antihero of the video game.

"Democracy, Democracy! Democracy is not what these people need. Hell, it's not even what they want. America has been trying to install democracies in nations for a century and it hasn't worked one time," Spacey's character said in the trailer.

"These countries don't have the most basic building blocks to support a democracy. Little things like, we ought to be tolerant of those who disagree with us," he continued. "We ought to be tolerant of those who worship a different God than us. That a journalist ought to be able to disagree with the president. And you think you can just march into these countries based on some fundalmentalist, religious principles? Drop a few bombs, topple a dictator and start a democracy?"

Activision has yet to release a launch date for the upcoming "Call of Duty" title.

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