Court Sentences Nanny to 70 Years in Jail for 4-Month-Old’s Death

A court in Nebraska sentenced a nanny to 70 years in prison Monday, after she was convicted in the death of an infant.

Sarah Cullen, 25, was found guilty in March for intentionally abusing 4-month-old Cash Bell last February that resulted in the baby's death. She will qualify for parole once she spends 35 years in jail.

Police documents show that Cullen gave different versions on how the baby suffered injuries. She finally said she slipped because of which Cash fell down the stairs. According to her, he did not cry but lay on the floor with clenched fists. Cullen said she became frightened, held him after which he fell asleep. Cullen stated that later Cash began showing signs that he was severely injured, KETV reports.

KMTV reports that Cullen along with her boyfriend took the unresponsive baby to the Methodist Women's Hospital. Cash was then sent to Children's Hospital where his condition became worse. Doctors said the infant suffered two skull fractures and 90 percent bleeding in his brain. Cash died 5 days later.

Cullen's former boyfriend testified against her. He said she called him and said Cash was not breathing. He then went to the house, called 911 and took the baby to the hospital. He said that Cullen did not say how the baby got injured.

After hearing the sentence, Cullen apologized for her act. 'If there's anything I could do to take the pain away and bring it on myself I would. I'm so sorry I'll never forgive myself and never expect anyone else to either," Cullen told the baby's parents.

The state said the sentence was appropriate. "She's responsible. She's been held responsible, and now she's going to have to pay that penalty by the time she's going to have to do," said Douglas County Attorney Don Kleine.

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