A baby boy is lucky to be alive after falling 11 stories from the balcony of a Minneapolis apartment on Sunday, doctors said.
Musa Dayib, who is only a year old, is suspected to have slipped through the open space on the balcony's railing, sources told the Minneapolis station KARE. Little Dayib is currently being treated for a concussion, two broken arms, and a fractured back among other injuries.
"It's definitely a miracle," Dr. Tina Slusher at Hennepin County Medical Center where Dayib is being treated, told KARE. "It's God's gift to his family. Kids don't fall this far and make it often. Especially without a serious brain injury. You or I would've been dead."
The circumstances behind Dayib's fall are not clear. George Sherman, president of the company that manages the complex, said this is the first time he can recall a child slipping through a balcony's railing and that the situation was an "accident," according to KARE.
Dayib's parents are not holding the manager responsible for the incident.
Doctors are not sure if Dayib will have future medical problems. His lungs were also bruised as a result of the fall, and he remains heavily sedated and is breathing with the aid of medical equipment. Doctors feared Dayib's skull was also fractured, but confirmed Tuesday his skull was fine.
"Little (kids) are more flexible and don't break as easily as we do and he also fell in a very small patch of mulch," Slusher told KARE.
Dayib's parents and other residents of the neighborhood are demanding changes be made to the complex's balconies. Sherman said no requests for maintenance or damage complaints came from the unit where Dayib fell. Nearly half of the apartments in the complex have balconies.
"The balcony doors and screens were all replaced about two years ago and new locks were installed," Sherman said, KARE reported. "The railings were not replaced. They were painted and repaired."