
Samsung Galaxy S5 Smartphone Invades London's Heathrow Airport Terminal 5

Samsung's two week-long Galaxy S5 promotion at London's Heathrow Airport Terminal 5 starts Monday.

According to CNET, the company's name will appear on entrance and drop-off signs throughout the building, under the name "Terminal Samsung Galaxy S5". All airport gates, lounges and the facility's security area will also be home to Samsung for 14 days. The terminal's 172 digital panels, gates and baggage claim locations will all have full wall-sized photos of the phone.

The arrangement is part of Heathrow's setup with digital ad company JCDecaux. It's also the first time airport officials have given the green light for a brand name to advertise attractions inside airport terminals.

CNET also stated that the airport is not changing the name of its terminal for good, but is selling advertisement space to Samsung for the time being. The company hopes to bring customers into Dixons Travel Stores, where the new phone will be on display.

Samsung's Electronics vice president of corporate marketing for the United Kingdom and Ireland told CNET the company is always looking to innovate.

"We are always looking for ways to maximize brand impact and this activity is testament to that," Russell Taylor said. "The partnership with Heathrow Airport and JCDecaux Airport was a one-off opportunity to push the boundaries like no other brand has been allowed to do before."

The Galaxy S5 operates on Android's 4.4 KitKat system. The phone also has a 5.1 inch 1080 pixel high definition screen, a 2.5 gigahertz quad core processor and 16 megapixel camera according to Ars Technia.

The phone is also modeled after its counterpart, the Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom. This phone comes with a 1.5 gigahertz dual-core processor, 1.5 gigabytes of RAM, eight gigabytes of storage and a 4.3 inch screen.

Other features include a 16 megapixel rear camera and 1.9 megapixel front lens according to gadgets.ndtv.

Samsung released the phone in July 2013. The S5 first came out April 18, according to Tech Radar.

Samsung Galaxy S5, London, Heathrow Airport
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