Mushrooms Help Control Glucose and Insulin Levels in Women: Study

Consuming mushrooms helps control glucose and insulin levels in women, a new study by University of Buffalo shows.

Researchers explained consuming mushrooms with glucose significantly reduces glucose levels compared to just consuming glucose. The result was strongly seen in women

Past studies have shown mushroom consumption aids in weight management, immune function and quality of life. However, this is the first study to examine its effect on glucose response. "This alone may benefit individuals attempting to lose weight and who want to exercise for a longer time," said study co-author Peter Horvath, PhD, associate professor, Department of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences, UB School of Public Health and Health Professions.

For this crossover study, the researchers analysed 18 healthy people (8 men and 10 women). The participants were aged between 19 and 29 with 23 as the median age. Their body fat measured 19.7 percent, ±7.7 percent; their fasting glucose levels were 88.8, ±6.2 milligrams per deciliter.

Each participant had to complete three modified Oral Glucose Tolerance Tests (OGTTs) over a two-week period. The OGTTs were assessed in those who consumed one of three drinks, each equally sweet: a 75 g glucose drink (G), a 75 g glucose drink with 9.5 g Portabella powder (MG) or 9.5 g Portabella powder with Stevia/flavored water (M). Fasting and 30-minute blood samples were collected.

The study results found that glucose and insulin levels increased after consumption of a glucose drink and Portabella powder compared to in those who consumed Stevia or flavoured water. However, after intake of Portabella powder, insulin levels declined in women. There was no difference in insulin levels between glucose drink and Portabella powder groups detected in men.

Researchers also found that mushroom powder reduced rebound hypoglycemia and rapid insulin decrease in women compared to glucose alone. But, no effect was seen in rebound hypoglycemia in men who consumed Portabella powder.

According to the research team, the findings show that mushrooms may moderate postprandial glucose-related responses.

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