Merriam Collegiate Dictionary's 149 New Words Include Selfie, Hashtag and Tweep

Selfie, hashtag and tweep are among the 149 new words added to the Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary.

According to CBS News, the digitally-based words join food-world terms pho and turducken.

Merriam-Webster defines selfie as an image of oneself taken by oneself using a digital camera, especially for posting on social networks.

A hashtag is now officially a word or phrase preceded by the symbol # that classifies or categorizes the accompanying text (such as a tweet).

The dictionary defines a person who uses the Twitter online message service to send and receive messages as a tweep. Pho is a Vietnamese word referring to a soup made of beef or chicken broth and rice noodles.

Turducken, meanwhile, is defined as a boneless chicken, stuffed into a boneless duck, stuffed into a boneless turkey, according to CBS News.

Board game maker Hasbro recently added the world geocache to both the game's Scrabble Dictionary and the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, after the word won the company's Scrabble Word Showdown. The term was the first addition to the Scrabble Players Dictionary since 2005.

A Merriam-Webster Editor at Large said the new word accommodates today's technological advances in language.

"Our language changes faster than ever today," Peter Sokolowski said in a statement. "It's great to include a word in the new edition that dedicated Scrabble players are eager to use on the board."

Hasbro announced the winning word April 10 on its Facebook page.

Selfie, Hashtag