Poor Diet Before Pregnancy Causes Preterm Birth: Study

Poor diet before pregnancy might lead to premature deliveries, a study by University of Adelaide reveals.

Researchers examined more than 300 South Australian women to study the impact of dietary habits prior to pregnancy on babies. Study found that those with poor diet were 50 percent more likely to have a preterm birth than those on a healthy diet.

The researchers explained that the women who consumed more protein and fruit before pregnancy had less chances of having a preterm birth, while those who consistently ate high fat and sugar foods and takeaways were at risk of a premature delivery.

"Preterm birth is a leading cause of infant disease and death and occurs in approximately one in 10 pregnancies globally. Anything we can do to better understand the conditions that lead to preterm birth will be important in helping to improve survival and long-term health outcomes for children," said lead study author, Dr Jessica Grieger, Posdoctoral Research Fellow with the Robinson Research Institute based at the Lyell McEwin Hospital.

"In our study, women who ate protein-rich foods including lean meats, fish and chicken, as well as fruit, whole grains and vegetables, had significantly lower risk of preterm birth. On the other hand, women who consumed mainly discretionary foods, such as takeaway, potato chips, cakes, biscuits, and other foods high in saturated fat and sugar were more likely to have babies born preterm," Dr Grieger said in a press release.

She advised women to follow a healthy diet before as well as during pregnancy. "It is never too late to make a positive change," Dr Grieger said adding that it will help to reduce the number of neonatal deaths and improve the overall health of children.

Dr Grieger will present the research at the upcoming SA Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian Society for Medical Research during ASMR Medical Research Week , Wednesday, 4 June.

The study is published in 'The Journal of Nutrition'.

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