‘The Walking Dead’ Season 5 Spoilers: MAJOR Character Dies, Death Scene Recently Filmed?

There's a very sad rumor going around that a major, fan-favorite character will be killed off in Season 5 of "The Walking Dead." The news comes from The Spoiling Dead's Facebook page.

WARNING: Major potential spoiler ahead. Stop reading now if you don't want to know the spoiler.

According to the Facebook page, Glenn Rhee (played by Steven Yeun) will die in the upcoming season. Here's what the group had to say: "RUMOR, we have heard from multiple sources about a possible death. Word is the death of Glenn was filmed yesterday/last night. It's possible it could be someone else, but multiple sources stated Glenn."

"Reports are the set was locked down last night and everyone was told to leave because the cast would not be coming out," the group continued. "Alanna [Masterson] tweeted yesterday during filming 'when someone great is gone.' As we stated this is currently a rumor and we are tracking this and trying to get more information."

Masterson plays Tara Chambler on the AMC show. The cast and crew of "The Walking Dead" are currently filming in Atlanta, Ga. It's not clear if producers are filming the scenes in order but so far Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) and the rest of the group escaped Terminus and are, presumably, making their way towards Washington, D.C.

There were reports of bombs and gunfire going off at the Terminus location during filming last week. Photos also surfaced hinting that the place had been destroyed. In the comic books, Glenn does die but his storyline in the comics is very different than the TV version.

In the comics, Glenn is killed by Negan who uses a barbed-wire baseball bat to brutally beat him to death. Back in March, Showrunner Scott Gimple told fans on Twitter that new comic book characters would be added to the show for Season 5, including Negan.

"Negan will be in the show... but we won't say when," he tweeted.

Do you think Glenn will be killed off in Season 5?