Actors Barry Williams (Greg), Christopher Knight (Peter), and actress Susan Olsen (Cindy) celebrated 40 years since the airing of "The Brady Bunch" by revisiting Kings Island. In 1973, an episode of the "The Brady Bunch" was shot on Kings Island, where the three stars shared memorable experiences on set and memorable lines from the show.
Fans of the show were excited to get a live re-run of the iconic television series with family and friends. According to USA Today, fan Kim Williamson traveled three hours equipped with Brady memorabilia, to see the Brady children all grown up.
"I think everybody, at some point in their life, wanted to be a Brady," she told the paper. "Their whole family seemed so perfect. They were so nice. I think it resonates with the child in all of us to want to be Brady."
A crowd of 844 people were introduced to the reunion by Williams and later welcomed by Knight and Olsen.
Williams entertained the crowd combining clips of the television series and real life accounts to express life during and after the show was aired. Williamson reportedly recited a few lines of hip-hop mogul Eminem and impersonated Johny Bravo as she told the crowed of his children not understanding his celebrity
The television series may have called it quits in 1975 but the shows fan base lives on.