Second Summit Meeting On Boko Haram To Take Place June 12

Nigeria's foreign minister will attend a meeting in London next week to discuss how to tackle Boko Haram and terrorism in the African country hosted by Britain's Foreign Secretary William Hague, according to Reuters.

Hague will host Aminu Bashir Wali and envoys from Nigeria's neighbors Benin, Chad, Cameroon, and Niger, plus the United States, France, Canada and the European Union on June 12 for a meeting, Reuters reported.

The Foreign Office said the meeting follows up on last month's Paris summit on Boko Haram and will consider further measures to improve regional coordination, according to Reuters.

Boko Haram is the Islamist terror group who carried out a wave of deadly attacks in Nigeria and kidnapped more than 300 schoolgirls in mid-April, Reuters reported. Although Boko Haram has been fighting for five years, carrying out bombings and attacks on civilians and the security forces, the kidnapping in April of more than 200 girls from a school in the northeast has focused world attention on them.

Speaking alongside President Barack Obama in Brussels Thursday, British Prime Minister David Cameron said both their countries are committed to helping Nigeria, according to Reuters.

"The meeting will consider what can be more done both to improve regional coordination, and on economic and social development to counter the threat of Boko Haram," the Foreign Office said in a statement, Reuters reported.

Hague said: "The London Ministerial on Security in Northern Nigeria will ... consider further options to combat terrorism. This shows the determination of those in the region, with the support of the international community, to defeat Boko Haram," according to Reuters.

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