Tea lovers, here's some good news for you! Drinking tea reduces the risk of breast cancer, a new research suggests.
Researchers examined 39 studies that included 13,204 breast cancer patients and 87,248 participants who did not have the disease. Of the mentioned studies, the researchers selected 16 studies on benefits of tea consumption and studied 28,737 breast cancer cases, and 60,936 controls.
The study findings showed that those who consumed tea regularly had 21 percent less chances of developing breast cancer. Researchers explained that the anti-oxidant properties in tea might be the reason for the positive effect.
"This beneficial finding is likely to be associated with the polyphenol content of tea. Tea is rich in polyphenols, including catechins and gallocatchins, which have been reported to have antioxidant activity and potential anti-tumour effect," Women's health specialist, Dr Catherine Hood from The Tea Advisory Panel (TAP) told Female First, U.K. "As a result, this study provides further data on the health benefits of tea, which is the most popular beverage, after water, in the United Kingdom."
Another study related to consumption of tea showed that drinking black tea reduced the chances of cardiovascular problems. The flavonoids in black tea help enhance vascular function, Dr Tim Bond from TAP said.
The black tea study examined 20 healthy individuals. The participants were told to drink black tea thrice a day for one week. Researchers found that the Flow mediated dilation (FMD); the standard measure for blood vessel function, improved after the consumption of black tea.
Yet another study showed benefits of drinking tea. The research found that drinking herbal tea reduces the risk of distal colon cancer. The researchers found that drinking herbal tea at least once a week is good for overall health.