No word if Jesse Eisenberg will be a bald Lex Luthor, but the first image of his company may have leaked online.
Batman-News published the photo of the alleged Lex Corp. building here. As for what Lex Corp. will look like, think Google or Facebook headquarters, according to
"A source close to Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice has informed me that production is heading to LexCorp next week," Batman-News reports. "In Zack Snyder's Man of Steel sequel, LexCorp is described as a young, edgy company. Think of it as a .com or Google type workplace. It's a smart company with a stylish vibe, a youthful clash of rock and roll, preppy, and nerdy employees. Hipsters!"
In other "Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice" news, Warner Bros. Tours and DC comics have teased a big reveal coming on Monday, June 9 relating to Batman on Twitter:
That looks familiar...RT @WarnerBrosTours We're getting ready to "unmask" a big secret. Stay tuned! #wbtour
— DC Comics (@DCComics) June 6, 2014
What's #Superman guarding? The curtain will be lifted soon! #wbtour — Warner Bros Tours (@WarnerBrosTours) June 6, 2014 speculates the big reveal may have to do with Benn Affleck's new Batcave:
Of course it might seem unusual for Warner Bros. to make such a big reveal on a Twitter account for their tours, but the initial tweet was re-tweeted by the official DC Entertainment Twitter. What better way to build up a lot of followers for various Warner Bros. Twitter accounts than to have them make big Batman V. Superam: Dawn of Justice reveals?
However, when one fan asked if it was the new Batfleck cave, Warner Bros. Tours replied, "You're not far off." So, maybe it is Batman related after all? A couple of other responses by Warner Bros. Tours seemed to suggest it could be vehicle related, so maybe something involving the Batmobile?
Director Zack Snyder already released the first image of Ben Affleck as Batman posing next to the new Batmobile, so the Batcave could be a natural next-step for the production.
"Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice" will be released to theaters on May 6, 2016. What do you think the big reveal could be? Leave us your thoughts below.