Teen Smoking Rate in the U.S. Drops, Texting While Driving Surges: CDC

Teen smoking rates in the U.S. dropped significantly, but texting while driving has seen a rise, a new report released by the Centers for Disease and Prevention states.

The statistics show that smoking rates among high school students hit rock bottom since the National Youth Risk Behavior Survey started in 1991. The current smoking rate of 15.7 percent clearly shows that the U.S. has achieved its national Healthy People 2020 objective of reducing cigarette use among adolescents to 16 percent or less.

According to health officials, the decline in the smoking rate in teens is surely a motivating factor but the overall tobacco use still remains a major concern. The report reveals that use of hookah and e-cigarette has increased over the years. The authorities also found that the use of cigar also reduced in recent years with 23 percent of male high school seniors smoking it.

"It's encouraging that high school students are making better health choices such as not fighting, not smoking, and not having sex," said Tom Frieden, CDC Director, M.D., M.P.H. "Way too many young people still smoke and other areas such as texting while driving remain a challenge. Our youth are our future. We need to invest in programs that help them make healthy choices so they live long, healthy lives."

The CDC report states that the number of students involved in physical fights at least once n the previous year also dropped from 42 percent in 1991 to 25 percent in 2013.

On the sexual behaviour of the youth, the CDC found that the number of high school students who are currently sexually active also reduced. The number dropped from 38 percent in 1991 to 34 percent in 2013. Among those who are sexually active, the use of condoms has also reduced from 63 percent in 2003 to 59 percent in 2013.

"The Youth Risk Behavior Survey is an important tool for understanding how health risk behaviors among youth vary across the nation and over time," said Laura Kann, Ph.D., chief of CDC's School-Based Surveillance Branch. "We can use these data to help schools, communities, families, and students reduce youth risk behaviors that are still prevalent and to monitor those that are newly emerging."

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