Mosquito-Borne Virus From The Caribbean May Have Spread Into Tennessee, Sparks Warning (VIDEO)

A mosquito-borne virus that's spreading in the Caribbean may have made its way into Tennessee, ABC News reported.

Symptoms of the chikungunya virus, which include fever, joint and muscle pain, rash and joint swelling, are being shown by a group of Tennesseans that recently returned from the Caribbean, according to the Tennessee Department of Health.

"This is often a terribly painful and uncomfortable illness, with no vaccine to prevent it and no specific treatment for those infected," state health commissioner Dr. John Dreyzehner said in a statement. "Recovery can be prolonged, so prevention is the only good option."

Aedes species mosquitoes, also known as daytime biting mosquitos, spread the virus through their bites. The insects are known to be common in Tennessee.

"It is imperative individuals experiencing symptoms of chikungunya virus minimize their exposure to mosquitoes to reduce risk of local transmission," said Abelardo Moncayo, director of the Tennessee Department of Health's Vector-Borne Diseases program. "A mosquito can pick up the virus from an infected human and infect others."

Africa, Asia, Europe and areas surrounding the Indian and Pacific Oceans have also witnessed outbreaks of chikungunya, pronounced chik-en-gun-ye, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Late last year, the virus appeared for the first time in the Caribbean.

Health officials, however, fear that the disease might have made its way to the U.S., according to ABC News.

"It is, unfortunately, probably just a matter of time before we have confirmed cases here," said Dreyzehner.

By wearing insect repellants and outdoor clothing that's "long, loose and light," you will be able to protect yourself from the harmful virus in the best way possible, according to the Tennessee Department of Health.

The department also recommended avoiding perfumes, eliminating standing water near your home and using screens on windows and doors to keep mosquitoes out, ABC News reported.

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