Ai Weiwei Recounts Prison Experience in Controversal Heavy-Metal Music Video (WATCH)

Activist and artist Ai Weiwei spent 81 days detained in a Beijing prison and has documented the experience in one five-minute video, The New York Times reports.

The heavy-metal music video contains scenes re-creatig the rebellious artist's experiences from when he was illegally detained by the Chinese government in 2011, according to The Times. He posted the video to his website Wednesday morning.

Some of the lyrics to the song for the video, translated to English are too vulgar for publication. The title of the song is a an offensive Chinese word, translating to "Dumbass." Some of the lyrics are "Stand on the front line like a" - (dumbass) - "in a country that puts out like a hooker," the Times reports.

Chinese rocker and artist Zuoxiao Zuzhou produced the music. Cinematographer Christopher Doyle shot the footage. Doyle, an Australian resident from Hong Kong, is known for his work with Wong Kar-wai and Zhang Yimou, The Times reported.

Weiwei is set to release six songs all together June 22 on the album "The Divine Comedy". The release date marks the second anniversary of his release from prison, The Times reported.

Weiwei has re-created his experience in other ways as well. According to The Times, he's constructed a real-sized model of the austere room where he was detained for much of his time served. The room was also used to house other detainees of note.

The controversial contemporary artist was allegedly investigated for economic crimes. While the video may alert authorities to keep Weiwei, who is stil not allowed to travel outside of China, the artist is not holding back on his views of the entities that have held him at bay. He says he wants to show young people they have a voice, The Times says.

Many artists and activists have come to Weiwei's defense internationally and have supported him through his detainment, including Vicki DaSilva, whose work was displayed on a Times Square billboard in Manhattan.