In the last few years, social media has changed the way many people do things. Now, according to, social media has infiltrated a fundamental area in the lives of many individuals—home buying.
Prior to the last few years, people interested in a home actually had to get up, get in a car and go to the house they were interested. Now, just a few simple clicks onto Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or Pinterest allow you to virtually tour a potential home.
The transfer to social media is becoming very important to the real estate business.
“Both buyers and sellers are doing more ‘digging’ than ever,” says realtor Brad Officer, based in Jacksonville, Fla. “Buyers and sellers want proof that you are actively engaged in the business and are a true professional.”
He thinks it’s a good idea for agents to create a Twitter account, Facebook page and Pinterest space that provides clients with sufficient help and information.
“I call it the ‘alive factor’,” says Officer referring to social media. “It’s proof that you are alive and in business. With so many buyers and sellers online in their everyday lives, it's surprising that only 56% of realtors use social media, and only 12% of realtors have a blog.”
Officer recalls a time when a man looked him up on Google and found Officers website, a YouTube video and visited Officer’s Facebook page. “No longer is a referral alone or a website alone going to cut it,” he said.
However, Officer warns if real estate agents plan to use social media, the must make sure it is done right.
“If an agent hasn't invested in good photography and videography, and they are pushing the listing out to the public through social media, it's only going to make the home look cheap to more people,” he said.