Parallel's Access App is Now Compatible With Androids, Tablets, and iPhones

Parallel's new access app update is compatible with android devices, tablets, and Apple iPhones, the company announced upon its release Tuesday.

According to a press release, the upgrade also improves a consumer's remote experience. The app, once only compatible with an iPad, allows users to assign, manage, and secure distant access to their computers from a separate location.

"Parallel's Access received a tremendously positive reception from iPad users, and now we are extending our solution to millions of Android and iPhone users. While traditional remote desktop products are trying to show a large desktop on a small mobile device, we worked hard to make remote access from mobile devices a truly simple and effective experience," Jack Zubarev, Parallel's president said in a prepared statement. "With this in mind, Parallel's Access enables people to interact with full-featured Mac and PC apps with touch gestures just like the apps were made for their iPhone, iPad or Android device."

New Facebook login integration lets users access sign in quickly and easily, according to the press release. Consumers can also open desktop applications by lightly selecting them from an Android device's home screen. iOs users can also rapidly access and open documents on their mobile computers via access. Consumers can also use microphone equipped desktop apps with the voice projector on their iPad or iPhone. Customizing screen resolutions so they properly fit any mobile device is also doable.

"Today most all employees have an iPad, iPhone, Android tablet or Android phone and carry them everywhere," Tim Bajarin, CEO and analyst at Creative Strategies added. "Until recently they were merely consumption devices. Now, thanks to revolutionary apps that transform mobile devices into powerful productivity tools, people can intuitively access all of their full-featured Windows and Mac computer applications and files from anywhere so they can get more done on the move."

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