24-Year-Old Houston Mother Locks Toddler in Car to Go to Night Club

A 24-year-old mother from Kingwood, Houston, left her 3-year-old son alone in the car so that she could go to a nightclub, authorities said.

Uzma Sheikh was denied entry to Stetson's Nightlife on the Eastex Freeway in northeast Harris County when she tried to get into the club with her toddler Thursday night around 11:30 p.m. She then decided to leave her son in the car alone. She told the authorities at the bar that she left the child with a friend.

"A county prosecutor said officers became suspicious of her story and searched the parking lot where they found the child in the back seat of a car with the engine off," the documents about the incident filed by Harris County District Attorney's Office state.

Sheikh was arrested Friday, June 20, and charged with felony endangering a child by "intentionally and knowingly engage in conduct placing child in imminent death, bodily injury, danger of physical impairment and danger of mental impairment by leaving the child unsupervised in a car in the parking lot of a night club during the summer."

She is out of jail on a $2,000 bond.

Another mother from Port Richey Florida was arrested Sunday afternoon after she locked her two children, aged one and 3, in the car and went shopping in an adult superstore. Witnesses called the police after they found the children locked in the car and unattended for at least 20 minutes, reports WTSP.

Morgan Crocker, 22, admitted to the deputies that she made a "stupid mistake" and said she thought the children would be okay while she helped a friend shop inside. The children were handed over to a Pasco Sheriff's Office CPI while Crocker faced charges of child neglect and leaving a child unattended in a motor vehicle.