Arrested: Stepmother Of 12-Year-Old Detroit Boy Found In Father's Basement

Detroit authorities have arrested the stepmother of 12-year-old Charlie Bothuell V, who was found Wednesday in the basement of his home after an 11-day search.

Monique Dillard-Bothuell was arrested Thursday on a probation violation for carrying a concealed firearm, MLive reported. The stepmother was also charged with purchasing a pistol without a permit in 2013.

Dillard-Bothuell's arrest occurred the same day Child Protective Services removed a 4-year-old child and a 10-month-old baby from the Lafayette Park townhouse the stepmother shared with her husband, Charlie Bothuell IV, who is Charlie's father.

Charlie had been missing for 11 days before Detroit police found him hiding behind a makeshift barricade in his father's basement. The boy did not make himself known but appeared to be happy when he was found, police said. He also appeared to be unharmed.

The boy underwent a medical evaluation and is now with his biological mother in Detroit, MLive reported.

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