'Star Wars Episode 7' Plot: Kevin Smith Dishes NEW Details About Set Visit; Production Taking Two-Week Hiatus In August

Kevin Smith revealed more details about his "Star Wars Episode 7" set visit during an appearance at Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival in Switzerland on Saturday.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Smith spoke to a panel crowd about the invite extended to him by director J.J. Abrams. The "Star Wars Episode 7" production is currently filming in Pinewoods Studio.

"[Abrams] had sent me an email out of the blue while they were shooting in Abu Dhabi last month," Smith told the festival crowd. "So we go to the set and they're actually shooting, and they're shooting -- and this is what I can't tell you what they were shooting -- But what I saw I absolutely loved," he said. "It was tactile, it wasn't a series of f---ing green and blue screens in which later on digital characters would be added. It was there it was happening.

"I saw uniforms, I saw artillery that I haven't seen since I was a kid," Smith continued. "I saw them shooting an actual sequence in a set that is real -- I walked across the set, there were explosions -- and it looked like a shot right out of an f--ing Star Wars movie."

Smith admitted he was able to tour the full scale Millennium Falcon found on "Stage M." However, Smith confirmed during a "Hollywood Babble-On" podcast he had to sign a nondisclosure agreement before stepping on set.

"They had a sign at on the stage - I can't even say which stage - which had the Imperial Starship logo and it said, 'loose lips sink starships," Smith said during the podcast.

Unfortunately, the "Star Wars Episode 7" project is facing a production delay. Lucasfilm confirmed on the official "Star Wars" site the production is taking a two-week hiatus in August to allow Harrison Ford recovery time for his leg injury.

Production is expected to end filming in the fall. "Star Wars Episode 7" will be released to theaters on Dec. 18, 2015.