Android, Windows Phone Growth Stagnant In US

ComScore has released new data on mobile and mobile platform share in the US, showing no growth for Windows Phone and Android during the surveyed quarter this year.

Data analyzing firm comScore has released the quarterly report showing key trends in the US smartphone industry. The three-month data ending May shows absolutely no growth for Microsoft's Windows Phone and Google-owned Android platform. But Android closed as the top smartphone platform with majority US subscribers. In the smartphone category, Apple topped the charts while Samsung trailed.

According to the company's released notes last week, Google's mobile OS witnessed no growth as Android powered 52.1 percent smartphones during the three-month average ending May 2014. However, Apple rose up slightly by 0.6 percent since February but took the second spot with 41.9 percent smartphone subscribers on iOS. Windows Phone platform managed no growth, ending with 3.4 percent, same as reported by comScore in February.

BlackBerry (2.3 percent) and Symbian (0.1 percent) shares declined 0.6 percent and 0.1 percent, respectively, during the three-month average ending May.

Apple and Samsung closed comparatively better in the top smartphone maker category. Apple ranked number one with 41.9 percent of the US smartphone market share, up from 41.3 percent in February. Samsung recorded a 0.8 percent hike and closed in with 27.8 percent smartphone share in the country. Motorola managed no growth from February to May, but LG and HTC lost 0.3 percent market share each.

ComScore also listed 15 top smartphone apps in the US. While Google dominated the list, Facebook topped the chart by reaching 76.4 percent of the app audience. Google owned services including Play, YouTube and Search apps secured second, third and forth ranks in order. Pandora Radio app reached 47.6 percent audiences while iTunes Radio concluded the list with just 21.6 percent.

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