'Fast & Furious 6' Plot: Vin Diesel Almost Catches Fire in Stunt 'Two Giant Fireballs Were Shot At My Car' (VIDEO)

Vin Diesel is one of Hollywood's toughest individuals, but even the toughest man can be a little scared once in a while, especially when it comes to shooting crazy stunts.

According to MTV News, Diesel said he and the crew are very careful that no one gets into a serious accident on set.

Despite his hope to keep everyone safe, Diesel himself experienced some scary moments when he was on set for his newest film "Fast & Furious 6."

"I'm in my Dodge Daytona, and they said, 'We want you to drive through this smoke,'" he said. "While I'm waiting, I'm seeing these guys pull over these huge tanks of gas and pouring them into those gas-explosion things. And I hear 'action,' and as I'm getting closer, I see flames coming out of these gas tanks. Once I get to the gas tanks, it's like two giant fireballs were shot at my car."

The 45-year-old has a reputation for doing his own stunts and this stunt was a little over the top especially when he saw the fire department and paramedics show up.

"My equilibrium was off, because the explosions came through the window, and they wanted me to slalom a little bit when I came out like I was out of control," Diesel said. "So I did that, and everyone was running over like, 'I think we lost him!' "

Diesel's co-star, Paul Walker saw an advantage to Diesel doing the stunt being that the man has no hair. He mentioned "flash burns being a concern" and "if it was anybody else, it would have singed their hair!"

"Fast & Furious 6" hits theaters today and there is already talk that the seventh film in the franchise is set to begin filming this summer.

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