Mystery Deepens In Missing Case of Pregnant Military Spouse Erin Corwin (VIDEO)

Authorities continued their search Wednesday for 19-year-old pregnant Erin Corwin, who went missing at Joshua Tree National Park on June 28, with her husband saying there was nothing out of the ordinary when she left their California home, authorities told An all-out search for the woman's mysterious disappearance has been sparked since then using "every resource possible."

Erin, who is three months pregnant, was last seen around 7 a.m. eleven days ago at the couple's Twentynine Palms home as she was setting out to explore the vast national park, her Marine husband, Lance Cpl. Jonathan Corwin, told investigators with the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department, adding that she wanted to scout out the park in advance of a planned family visit.

After Jonathan reported Erin missing the next day, her 2013 Toyota Corolla was located by police in Twentynine Palms, but they declined to provide details on whether any potential evidence had been removed from the vehicle. "We're not naming any persons of interest or suspects until we're convinced a crime has been committed," Corporal Randy Naquin, public affairs officer with the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department, told "Right now we're treating this as a critical missing person case."

But he also said that authorities, including a team of homicide detectives, were investigating "various leads" that have come in since Corwin's disappearance. Although Jonathan was described to be cooperative, Naquin refused to comment on whether his home, car and computer had been examined by authorities. "If my wife didn't show up for dinner, I'd report her missing sooner but I don't know what the family dynamic is between Erin and her husband," Naquin said. "I don't know if they were used to spending a lot of time apart. And I also don't know if there were problems between Erin and her husband."

Jonathan's mother, however, said she's particularity concerned about the attention that has been focused on Jonathan. "I know that it's everyone's first thought that it's the spouse," Sheila Braden told ABC News, "but if they knew John and Erin, and the relationship they had, they would know he's not capable of this."

With more than 50 volunteers searching the area over the weekend, Naquin told that their also "utilizing every resource we have" in locating Corwin, including canine and helicopter units as well as search and rescue teams with expertise in tracking.

Corwin is described as 5 feet 2 and 120 pounds with brown hair and blue eyes. Anyone with information on her whereabouts it urged to call the San Bernardino County sheriff's Specialized Investigation Division at (909) 387-3589 or sheriff's dispatch at (909) 387-8313. Callers who wish to remain anonymous can contact the WeTip hotline at (800) 782-7463.