
LG Kizon's Kid-Tracking Device Allows Parents to Keep Tabs on Children Remotely

LG Electronics Inc. has introduced a new device that lets parents keep tabs on their children.

LG's KizON, a kid-tracking wristband, can identify a child's location using GPS and Wi-Fi, then report it back to the parent through a 2G or 3G mobile internet connection, according to The Guardian. The parent can then use a smartphone or tablet to call the wristband, which will answer automatically.

"Children as well as the elderly are ideal customers for wearable technologies," said Dr. Jong-seok Park, chief executive of LG Electronics mobile. "Wearables allow us to stay connected without the worry of losing a device or the inconvenience of having to carry a large item in a pocket."

KizON, which is designed for kids in pre-school and elementary school, comes with a One Step Direct Call that lets kids and parents call each other just by pressing a button, PC Magazine reported. If the parent doesn't receive an answer from the kid in 10 seconds, the call will be connected and the parent will be able to listen to what is happening around the kid. A polythiourethane material that is resistant to water and stains was used to make the device.

The battery in the wristband lasts 36 hours, requiring frequent, nightly charges. However, when the battery falls below 25 percent, the device will send an alert to the parent or guardian, The Guardian reported.

LG's KizON will be competing with other kid-tracking bands, such as British company KMS's tracker, which was introduced last year as a device for monitoring children and the disabled. KMS displayed the tracker in January at the CES electronics trade show in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Opinions on devices that can track children have been split - some parents believe they can keep kids safe while letting them travel wherever they want so long as their whereabouts are known, while others say the technology will lead to kids being tracked and monitored like criminals in the future.

KizON is now available in South Korea and features decoration options for a variety of animated characters. The device also comes in three colors: blue, pink, and green.

Consumers in North America and Europe will be able to buy KizON in the third quarter, which is when exact release dates and prices for the wristband will be revealed.

LG, Tracker
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