Chinese Man Arrested and Charged for Stealing U.S. Military Aircraft Data

A Chinese man was arrested in Canada on charges of stealing information about American aviation technology from the Pentagon and other U.S. companies along with two alleged Chinese hackers who have yet to be identified.

Su Bin, a 39-year-old owner of a Chinese aviation company Beijing Lode Technology, was charged with industrial espionage for allegedly breaking into U.S. computers and stealing information about Lockheed's F-22 and F-35 fighter jets and Boeing's C-17 transport plane key. He allegedly passed the details to other companies in China saying that it would help China "stand easily on the giant's shoulders." He wrote in an email that the information would "allow us to rapidly catch up with U.S. levels."

Sun who also goes by name Stephen Su, was arrested by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in British Columbia at the request of the U.S., June 28. According to the 50-page complaint, those involved in the conspiracy and the computer intrusions, which allegedly took place between 2009 and 2013, "Gained remote access from China to information residing on the computer systems of U.S. companies including cleared defense contractors," reports NBC News.

The complaint states that Bin might have worked alone and just bought the information from the alleged two hackers. It further stated that Bin chose among the 1,467-page Boeing information the hackers presented to him and bought them.

According to The Wall Street Journal, the arrest came after a campaign in the U.S. to put an end to industrial espionage allegedly being carried out by China on its defense and technology.

The U.S. intelligence authorities allege that cyberespionage has become an industry in China where Chinese hackers break into their "targets" and collect information and sell it to business companies in China.

Bin is facing extradition following the arrest, a spokesman from the Canadian Embassy said.