Viral: ‘Recreational Hunter’ Steven Spielberg Killed Dinosaur!

Imaginations run wild! And to see that just open any social networking site. Lately, a photo going viral on Facebook led to social media persecution of Steven Spielberg by 'animal-lovers'. Reason? People actually thought that the 'Jurassic Park' director hunted down a dinosaur and blatantly took photos sitting next to the poor 'dead' endangered animal.

The image of Spielberg sitting next to a Triceratops dinosaur, taken on the sets of 1993 hit 'Jurassic Park,' has attracted rude and harsh comments from various Facebook users. Mistaking Spielberg for a recreational hunter, people blamed and abused him for his 'disgraceful' act of killing an animal.

The caption on the prank photo by Jay Branscomb goes like this: "Disgraceful photo of recreational hunter happily posing next to a Triceratops he just slaughtered. Please share so the world can name and shame this despicable man."

That's it! All hell broke loose! The photo was re-posted more than 43,000 times with some abusive comments for killing the animal

Some labelled Spielberg an 'animal killer' and announced that they won't watch his movies again! "He's a disgusting inhumane p****. I'd love to see these hunters be stopped. I think zoos are the best way to keep these innocent animals safe ... A******* like this piece of s*** are going into these beautiful animals' homes ... and killing them," wrote one user clearly with no knowledge about either Spielberg or the dinosaurs that became extinct 66 million years ago.

Another gem was: "OMG. this is absolutely sickening. What a beautiful creature. Hopefully something can be done to stop this before it's too late."

Some user obviously got the joke and took a dig at the ignorants. "Of course it is a real dinosaur. Steven Spielberg traveled million years back in time with his time machine and killed it .... xD
OMG I hope, that these people who are writing like they are really believing that this is/was a real dinosaur, are only writing this for fun," one user wrote.

Others just laughed at the ignorance of people about dinosaurs. Maybe they believed Spielberg had resurrected them for big-game hunting.