Buffalo Twins Born 12 Hours Apart Will Not Share The Same Birthday

The birth of twin babies being separated by a couple of minutes is fairly common, but Monday night proved to a whole different ballgame for two expecting parents in New York. The age gap for their pair of Buffalo twins was nearly 12 hours, a whole separate day.

Tammy Muldowney gave birth to her first child, 5-pound Kennedy Muldowney, at around 7:30 p.m. Monday at Women and Children's Hospital in Buffalo, WGRZ.com reported.

After welcoming their daughter, Muldowney and husband Bryan, from nearby Hamburg, said they expected the second baby to be born soon afterward, but the little boy was way too stubborn. It would be nearly 12 hours later before twin brother Kellan Michael would eventually be born. "And they sent us back to our room to let everything take its course naturally, and it wasn't until 12 hours later that 7-pound Kellen decided to make his arrival. So we had a very long rough night," Tammy said.

Dr. Gil Farkash, who delivered the babies, said it's not uncommon to see twins born up to a couple hours apart, but 12 hours is rare, according to the Associated Press. Difference in weight between the twins might have played a role in the hours-long gap, the doctor said.

"I came in at about 7 o'clock again at that time she was exhausted from being up all night and we actually used a vacuum, suction cup to deliver the second twin. I think it also took longer b/c that baby was two pounds bigger than the first one," Farkash said.

Tammy and Bryan started trying to get pregnant a year after they got married. After nearly a half dozen inseminations and three IVF cycles, the Muldowneys saw this as possibly their last chance to get pregnant. "We had had many months where Bryan scraped me off the floor because we were devastated it didn't work," said Tammy. "When they told us it was twins we were thrilled. We weren't even scared, we were just thrilled. Two for one."

"We're thankful it happened this way and we're thankful we had all the bumps in the road because they've made us so grateful for everything now," added Tammy.

Both of the children and their mother are healthy and confirmed to be doing well, according to WGRZ.com.

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