UFO Over Historic Barn: Photographer Captures Cigar-Shaped Object, 'Next Time I Come, It Will Be Beamed Up' (VIDEO)

A California historian photographing a 1913 barn better known for ghostly hauntings noticed a strange cigar-shaped object in the background of her photo, MailOnline reported.

Santee Historical Society researcher Ellen Henry was taking pictures of the Edgemoor Barn when her camera suddenly shut off. When she looked back on her photo she saw what could be a UFO in the clear sky behind the barn.

"I was constantly looking up and around the area, including the sky's background, so I can get it just right, and not at any time did I see anything in the sky, or heard a sound of an aircraft," Henry said.

Henry admitted she was shaken up by the sighting, "Why was it there? What was it doing? ...the next time I come here, the barn will be beamed up," Henry told 10News.

This is the first time a UFO has been spotted hovering around the barn, but it is certainly not the first paranormal happening around the structure, according to MailOnline.

"Santee's Old Edgemoor Hospital, was a place of healing, home, and inevitably last rights," the historical society stated on their website. "Many people died on this property, the exact number is not known. Even before the hospital and its buildings were demolished, accounts of the paranormal were reported."

The historical society keeps records of known paranormal activity on their website.

The barn is located under several flight paths, this has led to suspicions that the object is simply a civilian or even a military aircraft. Henry doesn't think it's likely that the object is a human-built aircraft.

"...being from a military background I am familiar with these types of air crafts, and at this point the closest aircraft that is often mistaken for a UFO are the Stealth Fighter Bombers, and that was definitely not one," Henry stated. "Someone did mention perhaps it was a drone, however I have not seen any drones that were round, or oval, and lacking wings, rudders, or propellers, even the drone that looks like a fly has wings."