63 Percent Russians Against Sending Troops to Ukraine: Survey

Sixty-three percent of Russians oppose sending troops to Ukraine, a poll conducted by the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Centre (WCIOM) said Tuesday.

Around 1,600 Russians from 130 towns and cities in the country were surveyed.

The survey stated that 87 percent of Russians know about the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Those surveyed said that the clashes should be solved by diplomatic approaches rather than fighting. However, a certain section of the people backed the attack. Around 22 percent said they supported "surgical" strikes and 11 percent said that Russian troops should be sent to Ukraine. Merely 5 percent of the respondents said that the Russian officials should not react to the events in Ukraine at all, reports Russian news agency ITAR-TASS.

The European Union and the United States imposed additional sanctions against Russia for invading Ukraine. The sanctions would stop access to EU capital markets for Russian State-owned banks, forbid trade in arms, establish an export ban for dual use goods for military end users and limit Russian access to sensitive technologies, chiefly in the oil sector.

According to BBC, Russian billionaire tycoon Arkady Rotenberg is on the EU and US sanctions list. He runs firms which profited from the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics.

Rotenberg, who helps control SMP Bank and InvestCapitalBank OAO, and Yury Kovalchuk, the biggest shareholder in OAO Bank Rossiya, are among eight people that the EU blacklisted. Three entities -- Russian National Commercial Bank, weapons maker Almaz-Antey and airline Dobrolet -- were also added, the EU's Official Journal stated.