Hamas Leader’s Son Speaks Out About The Violent Extremist Movement and Its Determined Leader

The story of Mosab Hassan Yousef is one that is not well known, but is perhaps one of the greatest accounts of bravery and courage in modern day history. That's because he is the son of Sheikh Hassan Yousef, who is the founder of Hamas - the Islamic Resistance Movement in Palestine that is regarded as a terrorist organization by a majority of the world's top nations and is currently launching a daily barrage of rockets into Israel in response to a long-time border dispute. Hamas governs the Gaza Strip and forcibly won a majority of the seats in the Palestinian Parliament in 2006 during the Palestinian Civil War. Now Mosab warns of the group's growing influence - one he says could disrupt order in the free world.

Mosab grew up among the Hamas movement and was regarded as an important figure in the organization, with many believing he would be the heir apparent to his father. As a youngster, he was jailed by Israeli authorities numerous times because of his participation in Hamas. It didn't help that he was also the son of the movement's founder and leader. Despite Mosab's early involvement, however, he soon began to recognize the brutality of his father's organization, especially while in prison as an 18-year-old, he says, adding that he witnessed Hamas prisoners accusing other Hamas prisoners of collaborating with Israeli officials. The accused were routinely tortured and killed by their own people.

Appearing on The Mark Levin Show this past Tuesday, Mosab provided an account of his abrupt and courageous decision to break away from Hamas and work for Israeli intelligence after witnessing the heinous actions of Hamas members in prison. Sensing his awakening, Israeli intelligence reached out to Mosab after he was released from prison and asked him to help detect and capture Hamas suicide bombers from reaching their targets, which included buses, schools, hospitals, universities, and a number of other public places targeting civilians. Mosab joined Israeli intelligence in 1997 and began working undercover for their internal security service, Shin Bet. He left the service in 2007, but not before providing Israeli officials valuable information that ultimately prevented dozens of suicide bombing attempts and assassinations of key Israeli government personnel.

Mosab now lives in the United States after being granted political asylum on June 30, 2010. In his 2011 book, Son of Hamas, Mosab documents his time spent as a young boy within the Hamas organization, and preaches philosophies he is certain will help achieve peace in the Middle East.

To that end, Mosab told Levin that Hamas is one of the most dangerous organizations in the world because they have religious ideological global agendas that they seek to implement mainly through violence.

"Every country in the world is a target for the Hamas movement, which influences other terrorist organizations including Al Qaeda, who learned from Hamas," said Mosab on The Mark Levin Show. "We need to unify and prepare ourselves for what might happen, instead of criticizing Israel for their actions because they are fighting on behalf of the free world. If Hamas wins the war against Israel, the free world will pay a price."

Mosab believes responsibility lies in the hands of the world's leaders, especially President Obama, whom he called upon make a "courageous decision" and "initiate a movement to stop Hamas." He says Hamas poses an immediate threat to the international community, because their goal is to build an "Islamic state on every inch of the globe" while maintaining the belief they possess the right to punish and kill anyone who disagrees with them.

Mosab says he is no longer affiliated with a particular religion. Instead, he identifies himself as a "Christ conscious" follower, insisting that the evolution of human consciousness is essential for the world to coexist peacefully.

"The public is confused or misinformed about the situation and they need to know Hamas' agenda and how they're also not a part of the Palestinian citizens," he told Levin. "What they're doing right now to Israel is what they've already done to their rival Palestinian political party."

Mosab's documentary, The Green Prince, which chronicles his journey from the son of Hamas' founder to his role as undercover agent for Israel, is due out in September.

Listen to the full July 29 interview on The Mark Levin Show.