‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ End Credits Scene Revealed and You Should be Excited (SPOILER)

Marvel is known for teasing fans with a hidden scene at the end of their films, after the credits roll and we now have the first glimpse of the end credits for "Guardians of the Galaxy."

WARNING: Stop reading if you have not watched "Guardians of the Galaxy."

According to Comicbook.com, after the credits "the camera pans down through the debris of a damaged building. It's The Collector's museum, which was destroyed earlier in the film. The Collector is sitting in the middle of debris and destruction. He is battered, bruised and bleeding."

He is holding a green cocktail in his hand with a bandage wrapped around his head. A dog, identified as Cosmo, trots over and starts to lick The Collector's face as he takes a sip of the green cocktail.

"What do you let him lick you like that for?" someone off-camera asks.

When the camera pans over, Howard The Duck is sitting in the rubble drinking a smaller green cocktail.

"Gross," the duck said and takes another sip.

Just in case fans were stumped - or surprised - about the cameo, "Howard The Duck created by Steve Gerber and Val Mayerik" flashes across the screen before it goes black. The scene was not available to the press before the movie's release.

Marvel fans will probably remember Howard The Duck from the 1986 George Lucas film, which was slammed by viewers and critics. So what does the little cameo mean? Marvel could have been hinting at another Howard The Duck film, or teasing the character's involvement with a "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" project.

"The wise-cracking talking duck known for his sarcastic sense of humor seems a perfect fit for the world director James Gunn is building," Yahoo Movies wrote.

"Guardians of the Galaxy" is now in theaters.