Emma Watson Joins Protest Over Turkey’s Deputy Prime Minister’s Comments on Women

Deputy prime minister of Turkey Bulent Arinc's comments on women laughing in public has attracted criticism from the fairer sex. Joining them was star Emma Watson who posted a photo of herself having a giggle at an outdoor restaurant.

Arinc told Turkish women during a ceremony to mark the end of Ramadan that they should follow the rigorous Islamic code. "A woman will know what is haram and not haram," he said. "She will not laugh out loud in public. She will not be inviting in her attitudes and will protect her chasteness."

Shortly after his statement, women began sharing their photos of laughing with the hashtag #direnkahkaha (ignore him - laugh).

The 24-year-old Harry Potter star too posted her pic saying, ""#laugh #direnkahkaha @UN_Women." Along with her photo she shared a link to the article about Arinc's comments.

Watson is the UN Women's Goodwill Ambassador. The photo she shared has been reposted more than 15,000 times, reportsContactmusic.com.

Watson was not alone in her ridicule of the comment! Neelie Kroes, the European Union's digital agenda commissioner, too took a dig at the deputy prime minister's comments. "#LOL. I'm in Istanbul in September. And I'll laugh when I feel like it, thanks, Mr Arinc," she tweeted.

Following the backlash by the women over the statement, Aric did damage control by saying that his comments were meant for men also. "There are some artists who now laugh artificially and send me their photos. Real laughs relieve a person, but these are artificial ones. Those who go for a vacation with their lovers while leaving their husbands behind and can't wait to climb poles when they see one," Arınc added, reports The Telegraph.