
Board Game Cafe Opens in London

London's first board game café is opening this year in Hackney.

Owner Toby Hamand, 27, quit his previous job to follow his dream of opening his board game café, named Droughts, in London.

"When I first told people they reacted with amusement and disbelief," Hamand told the Guardian. "A common response is: 'My pub's got board games - how are you going to be any different?' But when they hear how many we'll have they realize quite how different it's going to be."

Hamand, along with his co-director and founder Nick Curci, have secured the funding needed for their venture and are now working on a crowd-funding project to ensure customers have the widest variety of board games possible, according to Toy News. So far, they've amassed a collection of over 500 games to offer at Droughts.

Trained staff will work at the café who can help introduce players to the rules of unfamiliar games, such as Hanabi or Chicken Cha Cha Cha.

The venue for the café is already secured. It will be located under the railway arches in Hackney.

Droughts will feature shelves packed with a variety of games to choose from a library-like layout. He is charging a $5 flat fee to come in and play as many games as you'd like, or a discounted $3.50 for members.

As for the menu - the café will serve beer on tap, as well as coffee, cake, sandwiches and milkshakes.

Hamand is excited about Droughts, especially because he believes board games are regaining popularity.

"When I was a kid, [board games] were things that you did with your grandparents, but I think they are losing that image. There is a huge revival now. It is kind of cool," Hamand told London Evening Standard.

This isn't the first café of its kind globally, however. Toronto is home to "Snakes & Lattes", while there is a similar watering hole named "Thirsty Meeples" in Oxford - but Drought will be London's premiere board game café.

London, Board games, Cafe
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