Kentucky Man Laces Bacon With Razors, Kills Dog

A Kentucky man was tired of hearing his neighbors' dogs barking, so he wrapped pieces of bacon around razor blades and threw them over the fence, killing the beagle-mix.

The Stotts are grieving the death of 14-year-old Nibbles, who they say was part of their family in Elizabethtown, Ky. and got along well with others.

"(He) didn't have an enemy in the world. Got along with every other dog in the area, just a real outgoing friendly dog," Jim Stotts said to WKLY.

The dog couldn't eat or drink, and every time he tried, he threw up, the family reported.

"He was in agony. Every time he'd lay down and look up at me and crawl towards me, you could tell he was in serious pain," Stotts told WKLY.

When the family brought Nibbles to the vet, a large blockage was found outside his stomach. The only way the vet could save Nibbles was by performing surgery. However, the procedure was too costly for the Stotts and they had to say goodbye.

Nibbles died three days after the Stotts noticed he was sick. On the same day he died, Stotts noticed his other dog, Bolt, chewing on something.

"What it was was Canadian bacon that had been cut in half with broken pieces of razorblade stuffed in the straight side. I found three pieces. The fourth piece was the one Nibbles got," Stotts told WKLY.

It is still unknown if the razor is what killed Nibbles because he was cremated after his death.

Robert Hamme admitted to throwing the razor-laced bacon over the fence, upon police questioning.

Stotts told Daily Mail that he often hears Hamme complain about dogs in the neighborhood barking, but he doesn't believe that justifies his neighbor killing Nibbles.

Hamme was arrested and charged with two counts of animal torture, one being a Class A misdemeanor for physical injury and the other a Class D felony, since the dog died as a result of the torture, according to WKLY.

Dog, Beagle, Kentucky, Bacon, Animal cruelty
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