
Pittsburgh Woman Tries to Steal Cop Car With Officers Still Inside

They say ignorance is bliss, but this proved to be much more than bliss for a Pennsylvania woman who tried to steal an unmarked police car with two officers sitting inside it.

Ria Buford, a 32-year-old Pittsburgh resident, thought she found herself a new car Saturday morning when a man got out of the driver's seat of an idling car in front of Club Xtaza, according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

Buford made her move while the driver was in the middle of a phone call, reports the New York Post.

But, what she didn't expect, was that Officer Garret Spory and another police officer were inside.

Spory's official complaint report detailed that he and his partner were "both terrified that she was going to attempt to drive away with the both of us in the vehicle," reports the New York Post.

Officer Spory attempted to push Buford out of the car as he identified himself as a police officer and shouted that she was under arrest, but Buford refused to budge. Spory then tried to yank her out when an unidentified interferred and grabbed the officer by his uniform in attempting to aid her.

When questioned later, Buford told police she was simply wanted the unmarked cop car to drive to her own vehicle, according to the New York Post.

Officers arrested Buford and the man who came to her aid. She was charged with robbery of a motor vehicle and disorderly conduct, and the man was charged with aggravated assault and resisting arrest, the Post-Gazette reported.

The police officers had been staking out an after-party near a Wiz Khalifa concert at the time of the inciedent.

Pittsburgh, Steal
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