American Apparel is once again being scrutinized for its oversexualization of women. This time, it's a back to school advertisement featuring a girl bending over into a car donning a hitched up mini-skirt that reveals the bottom of her buttocks.
"It's a provocative photograph, verging on soft porn. How can it in any way be connected with "School Days?" Peter Bradley, from Kidscape, asked Daily Mail.
The advertisement was since taken down, but a screenshot of the original still exists on Twitter.
There is also still a lot of buzz on social media about the back to school ad:
So this is OK but #Olivia Wilde's breastfeeding photo is a problem? WTF?! American Apparel’s “Back to School” Ad:
— MomsanityCentral (@MomsanityTweets) August 7, 2014
American Apparel's "back to school" ad is corrupt, the whole site is porn, but this time. Somebody getting fired damn — Jameson Bazun (@bazun) August 7, 2014
The new @americanapparel 'Back to School' ad campaign is fucking horrific. Whoever designed that belongs in jail; it's basically child porn.
— Dave Robinson (@davidrobbo66) August 7, 2014
However, there are still some people who believe that others are overreacting to the American Apparel advertisement.
"The articles condemning American Apparel for posting the image on its U.K. Instagram account block out the buttock area, or blur it-intriguingly, as without blurring it's barely visible. The technique makes the advertisement seem more pornographic than it is," writes Tim Teeman on The Daily Beast.