Electric Zoo 2014: Ticketholders Have to Watch Anti-Drug Video about Molly or Get Turned Away

Electric Zoo will kick off its three-day music festival later this month on Randall's Island in New York City but concertgoers have to take an extra step in order to get into the festival. According to CBS, ticket buyers will have to watch a two-minute anti-drug video about MDMA, also known as molly or ecstasy.

Stefan Freidman, a spokeswoman for Electric Zoo, said the end of the video will contain a code that activates the person's wristbands. Unless they watch the entire video, attendees won't be able to gain access to the festival.

In the video, titled "Electric Zoo: Come to Life," a man at the concert rubs a powder on his gums and becomes increasingly sweating and talkative. He is also seen taking pills. A woman with the man refuses the drugs and eventually becomes scared.

"Don't miss the moment, be present. Avoid the risks," the video reads at the end.

According to CBS, the move comes after two concertgoers died at last year's Electric Zoo festival, which resulted in the third and final day being cancelled. At the time, the New York City's medical examiner's office determined that 23-year-old Jeffrey Russ and 20-year-old Olivia Rotondo both died from a drug over combined with hyperthermia.

Performers at this year's festival include David Guetta, Zedd, Knife Party, Bingo Players and more.

For more information about the Electric Zoo festival or lineup, click here.